Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tagged: 5 things you dont know about me

Thanks funky for the uncreative tag. I hoped for some creative questions but it sure kept me thinking, *sarcasmON* looking at myself id say damn you guys don't really know me ! */Sarcasm*

1- I love being sarcastic though in many cases it backfires on me.

2- I like putting a smile on peoples faces even if that meant making a joke about myself. (I am a good sport)

Though lets put the jokes to a minimum

3- I come from a bedouin family, and Id be the second person with a bachelor degree "soon" (no 1 goes to dad) so lots of hope is put onto me. and hopefully get recognition for the most educated bedouin awards (if only they existed).

4- I love luxury yet I am an economical person and make good use of my money. When It comes to spending things on family or friends am pretty generous.

5- And ya, I fancy a smart blond, or a good looking brunette (or aren't they all good looking), and I hate something called mee7ad especially mee7ad emsara3 :p

now who shall I tag ... hmm..


3li said...

"Though lets put the jokes to a minimum" ...


ADinamorato said...

I thought I did .. but thats my nature

daddies little cuttie said...

haha interesting ...we should think of that award thu :P

Fragile said...

the award of the most educated bedouin in the world

yeah in the world out of 3

3zeez o '3alee and coool

Queen San said...

They should start thinking of that award idea, LOL

Anyway, I totally agree with u on hating Mee7ad although I hate hearing most of the Arabic songs because they suck!! But hearing Mee7ad on my bro's car is like HELL to me!!!

ADinamorato said...

the same background arabic drum tune to every arabic song makes them too repetitive and boring.

But Infact there are some great arabic songs... fragile just sent me one o_0

ADinamorato said...

actually, the only person that could convince me to listen to arabic music is fragile.

I love your style in music fraggy !!!!!! you rock bro !!!! *goes on to sing arabic*

Fragile said...

Thank you bro, even I listen to very few songs and keep listening and listening over and over till I get sick of it even my shuffle option in the ipod get used to the same Arabic song lol.

whenever i get cool songs i will send u akeed

i*maginate said...

please don't slag off mee7ad, he's the newest addition to my repeat function.

ummm what's the mee7ad connection with blondes/brunettes anyway?

Arabized said...

who did you tag?

i*maginate said...

Hello Mr, just to let you know I know you've tagged me but I just haven't got around to responding yet! Hmmm will try and post the response soonish.

Omg, there are some men flying outside my window, oh, I think they are cleaning.

What happened to your Valentine's post, was looking forward to the prospect of a saucy story.

i*maginate said...

Hey there...
Just wanted to confirm I posted the post on this as per your tag.. I know you left a comment on it!

Cheers m'dears, hav fun