Saturday, February 10, 2007

anything more depressing?

Why is it that when your depressed you listen to more depressing songs? Is there a relation ... I care to know...

Hitting the 20th rewind...
EDIT (2:10AM) 50th ...............


Fragile said...

nice song.... its not depressing for me! crazy lovers

M.O.F.A.F said...

You see, when your depressed you tend to stay that way, dwell in your own misery, pretend like the whole world is falling apart beneath you. I believe theres this dark twisted area in us that actually likes being depressed. So you create this scene where your sad, just like the movies, and you play the sad music in the background. You find ways to relate your own misery to the lyrics.

Btw im a big fan of your blog. You have my respects.
